
Financial Ratios

Ratio Analysis is a technique of comparing different financial ratios produced from a company's financial statements, ratio analysis is a technique used in financial analysis to assess a company's financial performance and health. These ratios offer important information about the profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, and overall operational performance of a company. Ratio analysis is a tool used by financial analysts, creditors, investors, and management to examine a company's financial health and make educated decisions. Liquidity Ratio The ability of a business to satisfy its short-term financial obligations without seriously disrupting its operations is measured by liquidity ratios, which are financial indicators.  These measures evaluate a company's liquidity, or its capacity to quickly turn assets into cash. The fast ratio (sometimes called the acid-test ratio) and the current ratio are the two most popular types of liquidity ratios.  Types of Liquidity...

Short Selling - how it works

Short selling is a trading strategy where an investor borrows shares of a stock or other asset from a broker and immediately sells them, hoping to buy them back at a lower price in the future. The investor benefits from the difference between the sale price of the borrowed shares and the lower price of their repurchase. Short selling is often used by traders who believe that the price of a particular asset will fall, or who want to hedge their portfolio against potential losses. However, this can be a risky strategy because the potential loss from a short sale is theoretically unlimited because there is no limit to  the asset's price appreciation. Short selling is also sometimes controversial, as some critics argue that it can increase market volatility and potentially lower the prices of stocks and other assets. Therefore, short selling is often subject to regulations and restrictions in various markets around the world.  Here is an example of how short selling works:  S...

Leadership Skills

 A competent leader is able to inspire, encourage, and direct a group of people towards a shared objective or vision. They have good communication skills and can listen to others' perspectives and ideas while making decisive and educated judgements. A successful leader also sets a positive example, demonstrating attributes like honesty, integrity, empathy, and responsibility. Other characteristics of a successful leader include: Visionary : A good leader can effectively convey their future vision to their team and has a clear vision for the future. Empathetic : A successful leader is able to comprehend and relate to the perspectives, emotions, and feelings of others, enabling them to strengthen relationships with their team. Strategic : A successful leader is able to think strategically, examine intricate issues, and make well-informed choices that are in line with their mission and core beliefs. Collaborative : A good leader encourages a sense of teamwork and unity among their tea...

You must have a Business Plan

A business plan is a critical document that explains a company's aims and plans, including information on its goods, services, target market, marketing strategy, financial predictions, and more. It is a thorough document that offers guidance and serves as a corporate blueprint. A well-written and thorough business plan is essential for the success of any new or existing firm. A business plan is a written document that outlines the goals and objectives of a company, as well as the strategies and tactics for achieving them. It's often used to secure funding from investors, and serves as a roadmap for the company's future. It is essential to carry out in-depth market research prior to starting a business in order to comprehend the industry and the competition, identify target customers, and evaluate the most recent trends. The findings of this investigation will serve as the basis for the preparation of a business plan with a concise strategy for the company. A business plan ...

Introverts are better entrepreneur

The notion that introverts make better entrepreneurs is widely accepted, although it is not always true. While introverts may have traits that make them good entrepreneurs, such as good listening skills, introspection, and the ability to focus on a task for long periods of time, being an entrepreneur also necessitates the ability to effectively communicate, motivate and lead a team, and deal with rejection and uncertainty. Introverts often have strong inner focus, which can be a valuable asset when it comes to developing and executing a business plan. They tend to be good at working independently and can be highly productive in a solitary environment. Additionally, they may be more reflective and analytical, which can help them make thoughtful decisions and solve complex problems. On the other hand, extroverts are often highly social and outgoing, which can be a great asset in building relationships with customers, partners, and investors. They may be more comfortable speaking in front...

United Cereal: Lora Brill’s Eurobrand Challenge case study solution

Introduction  United Cereal, a company which was established in 1910 by Jed Thomas who was an  immigrant grocer from England. The company launched their first product as package mixed  of cracked wheat, rolled oats, and malt flakes which was sold in their first shop opened at  Kalamazoo, Michigan. The united cereal eventually diversified into snacks, dairy products,  drinks and beverages, frozen foods, and baked goods. In 2010 the united cereal had a business  of $9 Billion in which the breakfast cereals accounted for the one third of its revenue.  United Cereal, a company with more than 100 years of experience in the breakfast food  industry, faced challenges when deciding how to launch its new cereal product. The company  is multinational and has global experience, but the company's vice president, Lora Brill, is  actually considering either adapting the Euro brand concept and launching Healthy Berry  Crunch across Europe, or push...

The Rise of using crypto currency in business

Crypto currency has been a revolutionary concept in the financial world since its introduction in 2008 with the creation of Bitcoin. With its decentralized and secure structure, it has been quickly adopted by various businesses as a means of payment and investment. One of the first businesses to embrace crypto currency was the online gambling industry. The industry was faced with challenges such as restricted access to traditional banking systems, high fees, and long waiting times for transactions to be processed. The introduction of crypto currency solved these issues, providing a secure and fast way for users to deposit and withdraw funds. Online gambling websites like 1xBit and Betcoin are now accepting payments in a variety of crypto currencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash. Another example of a business that has embraced crypto currency is the travel industry. Many travel companies, including Expedia and CheapAir, have started accepting crypto currency as a payme...